
Our school uniform is now available to purchase from Cliff’s at Printing Office Street in Doncaster. (11A-17 Printing Office Street, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN1 1TJ). Please note that stocks in the shop may be limited  but items can be pre-ordered at https://www.schoolwearsolutions.com/product-category/our-schools/st-albans-catholic-primary-school-doncaster/

School sweatshirts, cardigans, fleece jackets, polo-shirts and book bags with our embroidered school logo can also be ordered online from MyClothing at


or from School Trends by clicking the following link


Sensory Friendly Clothing

Finding clothing that is sensory friendly, particularly school uniform, can be challenging. There are lots of companies that now supply clothes and shoes that are designed to be easy to put on and take off, and have sensory-friendly features like ultra-soft material, flat (or no) seams, and tight elastic fitting for extra sensory input.

We have added some links below to support when purchasing uniform for children who may find clothing a struggle due to sensory needs:




Please note – George ASDA also do ‘Easy on Easy Wear’ clothing and uniform which has been designed to support independent dressing and sensory needs, keeping children happy and comfortable in their uniform.



                                           St Alban's Uniform                                                  

White polo shirt (plain or with school logo)           

Grey tailored trousers, skirt or pinafore

Navy blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo

Black flat shoes with either Velcro, elastic, lace ups (if children can tie their own laces)

Black flat boots (winter)  

Black or grey socks or tights

All long hair must by tied up every day.

Optional for summer:

Blue gingham dress and white socks

Grey tailored shorts

For Y5 and Y6 only, in preparation for High School:

White plain collared shirt (long or short sleeved)                                                 

School tie

Please note:  School will provide all children with their first unique school tie which is to be worn with a collared shirt.  Further ties can then be purchased if and when required via school.

All long hair must by tied up every day.


PE and outdoor Kit (all classes – to be brought for PE day)

Plain coloured t-shirt in house colour

(Red – St George’s, Blue – St Andrew’s, Yellow – St David’s, Green – St Patrick’s)

Black shorts

Black pumps or trainers

Black, navy or dark grey sweatshirt/hoody and joggers or leggings (winter/cold weather)

Y4/Y5 only - a plain swimming costume or trunks for swimming lessons.


Children may wear:

A small cross or crucifix or religious medal and/or a small (non-smart) watch/activity tracker.

A small plain gold or silver stud earring (which the child must not wear on outdoor learning or PE day)

Children should not wear:

Slip on shoes, extreme hair-cuts, large bows or headbands, make-up, coloured lip balm, nail varnish, nail art or false nails/eyelashes/tan.


Thank you for your support with regard to our Uniform Policy.






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