School Life and Mission

Bible Buddies

Year 4 and Year 5 have loved reading stories from the Bible to our Foundation and KS1 Children. 

It was lovely to see children enjoying different stories at lunch time and learning about the deep love God has for everyone. 

This will continue daily with our KS2 children having a timetable to share stories with the younger children in school. 

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Faith Garden 

We are continuing to develop our Faith Garden and are looking forward to our new seated area that will improve our sacred space. 

Here is what our Faith in Action Leader's think about further developments to this peachful and beautiful space...

George Y6 " It will be amazing to have a seated area, it will be another place to feel calm and worship God".

Olivia F Y6 "I think having a seat  in our Faith Garden will be lovely we can genuflect and take time out to have a few minutes to pray".

Zara K Y6 " I think in the Summer months it will be really nice to sit by the flowers and have a little time with God". 

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