Online Safety
Welcome to our page for parents, carers and children to help all of us keep safe online.
Safer Schools Support for Parents and Carers
Online Safety encompasses not only Internet technologies but also electronic communications via mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. Anyone can send messages, discuss ideas and publish material with little restriction. This is why there is a great need to educate children, young people and adults about the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology. You can download the safer schools app to keep up to date with the latest information - more information can be found on the 'School App' page click here to find out more:
Online Safety Support
Here at St. Alban’s, we do everything in our power to safeguard children. In the quickly evolving world of technology and social media, online safety has never been more important. Our curriculum is being transformed and there are many opportunities to use technology in our classrooms, in alignment with the world around us. Both St. Alban’s and parents/carers have the responsibility to ensure technology is used in a fun and explorative, but ultimately safe, way.
How and when do we teach the children how to stay safe online?
Online Safety is taught seamlessly throughout the school, beginning in EYFS, and progressing into Year Six. Children are typically joining our Nursery with the ability to navigate applications like Youtube and this is why the foundations of ‘how to stay safe online’ are immediately introduced.
The ‘Education for a Connected World – 2020’ Framework document that is used to inform our method can be found below:
Education for a Connected World – March 2018 (2MB)
In addition to the explicit online safety lessons, there are multiple explicit units in both our Computing and PSHE curriculums which act to deepen children’s knowledge of what it means to be safe online and how to respond – physically and emotionally – to something that they see online that makes us feel uncomfortable. The comprehensive units collectively include: how to use technology safely, responsibly, respectfully and securely, as well as advising the children where they can go, and/or who they can speak to, should they have any concerns about any digital content they have experienced. Online safety is promoted elsewhere throughout the academic year – in our everyday use of iPads and laptops; during specific times of the year like and Safer Internet Day; and with external visitors and workshops.
Please see the below Online safety support document with useful links and resources for parents and carers:
Please also find below a storybook to share with younger children about online safety:
Online safety Workshop
We regularly run informative workshops in school and send out invites to these events on our Spider App.
Thank you to the parents and carers who attended our last workshop on Online Safety! Please see the PowerPoint below if you missed the workshop.
Today our Year 5 and Year 6 children watched a performance called 'The Net' an impactful performance created by NKTA in partnership with the NSPCC, this focused on the vital topic of online safety. This engaging and thought-provoking production used drama to explore the challenges young people face in the digital world, including cyberbullying, online predators, and the importance of protecting personal information. The Net empowers children to make safer choices online while raising awareness among parents and educators about how to support and guide them. The Net performance allowed out children to have meaningful conversations and help build a safer, more informed online community for everyone.
Guides to apps and social media platforms can be found in the Files to Download below: