Year 3 - Whitby Class

Welcome to Whitby -Year 3 Class


Class Teacher:

Mrs Rachel Diver

Contact Whitby:

Class Support :

Ms. Bateson

Mrs. Phillips

Whitby PE Day: Tuesday

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Welcome to Whitby class page.

Homework - sent home every Monday Spelling and times tables test - Friday

Home learning books must be in school every Monday and Friday please.

Our class focus text for Spring term is Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The wonderful Whitby children have already interrogated the front cover of the book which lead to some imaginative predictions.

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Monday 6th January- SNOW DAY! There are some fun activities that make the most of the snow on the link below. Enjoy :)

Children in Need!

November 2024

The children have donned their favorite Pudsey clothing to raise awareness for children in need. Thank you to all the children for taking part in such an important event.


Black History Month

October 2024

The wonderful Whitby children have been celebrating black history month by investigating the impact black inventors have had on the world we know today. We were inspired by the black musicians we met on our trip to Sheffield who were talking to us about black inventors. We discussed some influential innovators and discovered the life changing impact these had on the world. This lead us to research further into the likes of Lewis Latimer who contributed to the refinement of the light bulb and the telephone, Gerald Lawson who developed the first home video game and finally, Garrett Morgan who designed the traffic light.

Whitby Trip to Sheffield!


St Marie's Cathedral - Trust Mass

and visit to the Millennium and Winter Gardens.

We attended Mass at St Marie's Catholic Cathedral where the Bishop led the celebration for all of our schools in St Clare Catholic Trust.  We deepened our understanding of the Lord's Prayer. 

Then we had a picnic in the Peace Gardens, explored the steel city, including visiting the oldest building in Sheffield, the Cathedral and the winter gardens and millenium galleries.  We had a moment of reflection at the Cenotaph, saw the Golden letterbox painted in honour Olympic medallist Jessica Ennis and then joined in with live musicians celebrating black history month!!!  

Everyone who met our children and saw them in action were amazed by their listening skills, manners, confidence and behaviour - it was a truly wonderful day for everyone!  More pictures will be added soon!!!

Adventures in Learning - Autumn Term

Who am I and where am I from? Immersion week in Whitby class.

Our class focus book for autumn term is 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' by C.S Lewis. This is the second book in the Narnia series of 7 in total.

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Grande Finale

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Spring Immersion Week

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Whitby Nativity Pictures!

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Cricket Tournament

Whitby Trip to Sheffield!

St Marie's Cathedral - Trust Mass

and visit to the Millennium and Winter Gardens.
