We all have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and at St Alban’s safeguarding is of high importance in our school.

If you have any concerns about Child Protection or Health and Safety in school, then please contact a member of our Safeguarding team.

Any concerns are taken seriously and investigated.

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child at St Alban's please contact our Designated Safeguarding staff:

Mrs Lindsey Ebsworth

Mrs Katie Davey

Miss Clare Brennan


01709 862298 (Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm)


Urgent concerns about a child (outside of these hours)

For urgent safeguarding concerns please call the Duty team at Doncaster Children's Services Trust on 01302 737777 or report online at

Chair of Governors

Safeguarding Governor

John Cape

Karen Seaman


Name: Mrs Lindsey Ebsworth

Role: Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection.


Name: Mrs Katie Davey

Role: Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection.


Name: Miss Clare Brennan

Role: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.


Name: Mrs Jane Hays

Role: Safeguarding Administration.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found here:

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

Our school Online Safety page for parents, carers and children can be found at:


We use a safeguarding system called CPOMS.

Most schools operate a manual (in many cases hand written and paper based) system for the reporting of incidents, including potential Child Protection issues. CPOMS has enabled us to improve our management of child protection and similar incidents and actions, whilst reducing paperwork and administration.

Operation Encompass

St Alban's Catholic Primary School participates in Operation Encompass which is a partnership between South Yorkshire Police and Education, supported by Doncaster Safeguarding Children's Board.

Operation Encompass



Prevent helps vulnerable people at risk of being recruited by terrorist or extremist groups, whether in this country or abroad. Prevent is one of the four elements of the Government's Counter-Terrorism Strategy. There are 4 elements of this strategy: Prepare, Protect, Pursue and Prevent.

British values that are promoted through the Prevent duty are:

Democracy: Respecting children and their families

Rule of law: Helping children manage their feelings and behaviour

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs: Challenging negative attitudes and stereotypes 

Individual liberty: Allowing children to take risks and recognize success

Mutual respect of different faiths and beliefs: Challenging negative attitudes and stereotypes 

We use the nuemonic DR TIM to teach the children to remember these values.

The Prevent duty also encourages learners to respect others, particularly those with protected characteristics under the Equality Act (2010). These characteristics include:



Gender reassignment

Marriage and civil partnership

Pregnancy and maternity


Religion or belief


Sexual orientation 

You can read the publication at:

St Alban’s we ensure the Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural development of pupils through the curriculum and assemblies, and providing relevant activities beyond the classroom.

We also actively promote fundamental British values, meeting requirements for collective worship and have established a strong school ethos supported by effective relationships throughout the school with our Children's Promise and Mission Statement.

Children's promise.png