Easby Nursery
Welcome to Easby Nursery
Class Teacher:
Miss Sally Hinchliffe
Contact Easby: sally.hinchliffe@stalbans.doncaster.sch.uk
Class Support :
Mrs Gittings
Miss Hughes
Miss Swift
Easby PE day: Monday and Friday
Welcome to Easby Nursery!
Our aim is to create a happy and caring environment that enables children to succeed as unique individuals. We provide a safe and secure surrounding, where the children are stimulated and inspired to develop their love of learning. We have high expectations and aspirations for all our children, with a genuine commitment to ensure that our children get the best possible start to their learning journey.
Our Curriculum
We use Development Matters to support learning in Nursery. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge, and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development. Our first priority for children in Nursery are the three prime areas.
These are:
Communication and language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
These prime areas are most essential for your child’s healthy development and are the building blocks of all future learning. As your child grows, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in the four specific areas.
These are:
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
Children in EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. The 7 areas of learning as set out by Development Matters are used to plan your child’s learning in school. You can find more information about this on our long-term plan below:
Important information
Please make sure that your child’s belongings are clearly marked with their name so that they can be easily recognised.
Snack time/Water bottles
The snack table is available to children throughout the day. They can enjoy fresh fruit, water, and milk. Children are encouraged to have a drink from their own water bottle – please ensure that this is sent in daily and has your child's name on it.
Physical Development
Physical development is part of our daily routine, however, we do have an allocated time slot in which the children participate in an additional physical educational activity. This takes place every Monday and Friday Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit and has the correct coloured top on for their house team.
Snow Closure Activities 6th January 2025
Guiding question how do people and our planet work together?
Our World
Talk with your child about our Planet and what it is called. Discuss what makes our planet special.
Activity 1: watch Louie Armstrong clip of what a wonderful world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBrd_3VMC3c
Can you draw and a picture of planet Earth and some of the things that live on it for example animals, plants or people you know.
You could make a collage of planet Earth by drawing a big circle and then gluing on green, blue and white bits of torn up paper.
Or you could paint a planet earth picture using Green white and blue paint and sponges.
Activity 2:
Below are some Winter Activities: Talk about the seasons then explain that now we are in the season of winter look at the winter PP and talk about what happens during the winter season. What is the weather usually like? , What clothes do we need to wear? What do animals do during winter?
Go out for a winter walk and see if you can spot things on the winter checklist?
Build a snowman or make winter snow pies - have fun in the snow!!
Easby class texts for Autumn term:
Autumn Term Immersion Week
Easby Nursery
Summer Adventures in Learning
Spring Adventures in Learning
Autumn 2023 - Adventures in Learning
Who am I and Where do I come from?
Easby Nativity 2023
Easby Nursery
We had a wonderful immersion week in Nursery as we began our new topic, Amazing Animals! We had a visit from the mobile zoo where we were able to meet and stroke a rabbit, tortoise, guinea pig, skinny pig, and snake. The children learnt how to take care of the animals by asking lots of questions to their carer!
Following our zoo visit, we voted for our favourite animal and made a pictogram to find the most popular one. We loved the rabbit the most because if its soft and shiny black fur. On Wednesday we learnt more about how to care for rabbits! We now know that they need food, water, a safe home, love and care to keep them happy and healthy.
We have also been investigating how the eggs in frogspawn turn into frogs! We have loved watching how they first turn into tadpoles, before growing their legs, losing their tails and eventually climbing onto the log.
As part of our computing learning, we learnt how to stay safe on the iPad when searching pictures of our favourite animals. The children know that they must only search things with a grown up, always check with a grown up before clicking on something, and always tell a grown up if something has made them feel upset. Once we had found our favourite animals, we used the interactive whiteboard to draw pictures of them! We carefully chose the colours for our animals and added details using the whiteboard pen.
As we explore this topic more we will be using clay to make sculptures of animals inspired by Jeff Koons! We will also be focusing on the story Dear Zoo. Keep an eye out for our wonderful work!