Attendance and Term Dates
New Attendance Regulations
You can find out more about the new regulations published by the DfE in August 2024 that outlines how parents/carers, schools and Local Authorities are expected to work together to improve attendance for our children in this document on the website:
You can find our policy at the bottom of this page.
Here is a summary of expectations for each of us working together to improve your child's attendance from the DfE summary document:
Term Dates 2024-2025
Please note our positioning of INSET days and a different Spring Break where school is closed to children to enable you to book a cheaper holiday each season without your child missing learning or any penalty fines! We understand the financial pressures on families at the moment and know that the well-being benefits of holidays are necessary for all of us so we will always structure our INSET days the best we can to enable our community to seek cheaper holidays out of term time.
2024- 2025 Term Dates
The below dates are when school is closed to pupils:
Training Day -
Monday 2nd September 2024
Autumn half term
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024
Monday 23rd December- Friday 3rd January 2025
School reopens Monday 6th January 2025
February half term
Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February 2024
Training Day - Monday 24th February 2025
School reopens Tuesday 25th February 2025
Monday 31st March 2025 - Friday 11th April 2025
Bank Holiday
Friday 18th April 2025 / Monday 21st April 2025
School reopens Tuesday 22nd April 2025
May Bank Holiday
Monday 5th May 2025
Bank Holiday
Monday 26th May 2025
Spring Half Term
Tuesday 27th May - Friday 30th May 2025
Summer holiday
School closes at 3.25 on Friday 18th July 2025
(Training Days - Monday 21st July / Tuesday 22nd July / Wednesday 23rd July 2025)
July 2024- Whole School Attendance
Class | Attendance to date 17.07.24 | Attendance this time last year | Class | Attendance to date 17.7.24 | Attendance this time last year |
Easby Nursery | 87.0% | 79.9% | Whitby Y3 | 95.5% | 91.2% |
Rosedale FS2 | 94.2% | 92.3% | Fountains Y4 | 93.7% | 94.1% |
Roche Y1 | 93.4% | 94.9% | Kirkstall Y5 | 96.1% | 93.8% |
Selby Y2 | 95.5% | 94.2% | Rievaulx Y6 | 94.3% | 92.7% |
100% Attendance Winners 2023-2024!
We are really proud of our improvements in attendance and punctuality and thank all parents and carers who have worked with the Attendance Team to improve attendance and punctuality. Our school has been recognised and we have been asked to share our best practice with Sheffield Schools as well as Heads across the North of England in September! Although we have made improvements, there is still work to do to improve persistent absenteeism, reduce holidays in term time and to ensure all children are consistently on time every day.
Please note that holiday penalty fines are increasing to £80.00 per child per parent/carer for (holiday) absence in term time and it remains a National agenda across all schools everywhere.
Please see our policy below. We have started the 4 weekly Attendance Meetings on Friday 27th September and ask parents to check their emails and Spider App for information regarding your child's attendance and punctuality from the Attendance Team and your child's class teacher, respectively.