Foundation 2 -Rosedale Class
Welcome to Rosedale Reception Class
Class Teacher:
Miss Lauren Rutherwood
Contact Rosedale:
Class Support :
Mrs Williams
Rosedale PE Day: Friday
Our aim is to create a happy and caring environment that enables children to succeed as unique individuals. We provide a safe and secure surrounding, where the children are stimulated and inspired to develop their love of learning. We have high expectations and aspirations for all our children, with a genuine commitment to ensure that our children get the best possible start to their learning journey.
Our Curriculum
We use Development Matters to support learning in Reception and your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge, and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.
Prime Areas of Learning:
Communication and language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Specific Areas of Learning:
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
Snow Closure Activities 6th January 2025
Guiding question: How do people and our planet work together?
Last term, we learnt that some birds migrate to warmer places during winter. However the birds that stay here can find it really hard to find food when it snows. Can you make a bird feeder by threading hooped cereal (or anything similar) onto some string or pipe cleaner? You can then hang it in your garden or outside your window for the birds to enjoy on a snowy day!
Look for footprints in the snow. Can you see where people have been walking? Can you spot any other prints? Maybe from a dog, a bird or a cat! Can you compare the sizes of the footprints? Which animal made the smallest footprints, or the most footprints? Where do you wonder they were they travelling to? Make your footprints too and make a trail for someone to follow.
Do you want to build a snowman? Can you give your snowman 10 (stones) buttons? What else can you build in the snow?
Can you use your finger or a stick to write your name in the snow? How big can you make the letters? What else can you write in the snow?
Last term, we also learnt about how snow and ice melt, and which items can make it melt faster (e.g. salt, sugar). Can you collect some snow in a pot and (carefully) bring it indoors. What happens to the snow? Can you watch it and talk about how it changes? What could you experiment with to make it change faster?
Snow hunt checklist:
Listen to the read aloud of Farmer Duck:
What jobs did Farmer Duck have to do on the farm? Start to think about how these jobs help our planet (growing plants to make food etc).
How did the other animals help Farmer Duck?
Autumn Adventures in Learning Grand Finale
Who am I and where do I come from?
Judaism Week October 2024
This week, we learnt about some of the symbols and objects that are special to the Jewish faith, and what some of them mean, such as the Star of David, the Menorah, the Torah, the Synagogue and Rabbi.
We then used watercolours to design a Menorah, and then created our very own mini Torah!
Autumn Immersion week
Autumn Term
In the Autumn term our topics were:
Who am I and where am I from?
All about me
Let's go on an adventure
Spring Term
In Spring term our topics were:
How do people and our planet work together?
Terrific Tales
Summer Term
In Summer term our topics are:
How can we love our world better?
Amazing Animals
Our Wonderful World