School Apps
School Spider
At St Alban's we use the app 'School Spider' to communicate with our parents/carers.
Get all the latest news and announcements from school by creating an account with school spider. Click on the following link to be redirected to the school spider log on page:
Download on the App store on iphone:
Download on Google Play for android:
St Alban's Catholic Primary and Nursery School is a cashless school.
All items requiring payment can be accessed on parentpay.
We use Parentpay for the secure online payment of dinner money, rise and shine club, after school clubs, school visits and events etc.
When your child goes in to year 5 they will receive their first school tie at no charge from school any further ties you wish to purchase can be done on Parent Pay.
Click on the following link to register/access your parentpay account using the details provided by school:
Safer Schools
Online Safety encompasses not only Internet technologies but also electronic communications via mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. Anyone can send messages, discuss ideas and publish material with little restriction. This is why there is a great need to educate children, young people and adults about the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology.
All partner agencies, stakeholders, schools and educational settings and all other organisations within the community providing services to children have a duty to understand online issues as part of its wider safeguarding duties; recognising their role in helping children to remain safe online while also supporting the adults who care for children.
Parents and carers can access important information by downloading the "Safer Schools App" and following these steps:
Step 1: Download the App for free by searching for "Safer Schools" in the Apple App store or on Google Play.
Step 2: Enter St Alban's Catholic Primary School (Doncaster)
Step 3: Enter the code 7440 (for parents)
If you need help accessing these resources please contact the school office on