Mini Vinnies
Delivery of Christmas Gifts to the Hospital.
Mini Vinnies - Mission complete! 15/12/23
Mrs Diver delivered the lovely gifts to the Childrens hospital - this is what they had to say...
Toy Appeal Update! 12/12/23
Our Mini Vinnies have been buzy wrapping gifts this week to take to the Children's Hospital some children in year 4 helped them with this mission.
Toy Appeal for the Children at Doncaster Hospital
Harvest 2023
Well done to our Mini Vinnies and School Council who raised awareness of those who live in poverty and rely on food banks for food to eat. Both groups from
KS2 led Assemblies, made posters and encouraged our school community to donate food for Food Aware this Harvest. Thank you to everyone who donated.
May God bless you all.
As Mini Vinnies we are dedicated to helping those in need. We meet each week to pray, discuss and support in any way that we can to make a difference in our school and community. Please keep your eyes peeled for ways that you can support us in our mission!
Thank you and God Bless,
Mini Vinnies
Lent 2022
Please find attached the News Report that our Mini Vinnies have produced as part of our Good Shepherd Appeal and Lenten learning journey at St Alban's. Here is also the reply we received from Candida from the Good Shepherd Appeal!
"Dear St Albans - and especially the Mini Vinnies,
What a fabulous Newsletter you have written - and to celebrate such wonderful news too!
I was absolutely AMAZED to hear that your sponsored run covered the distance all the way from Doncaster to Lourdes... Wow!! And how wonderful that everyone at school - children, teachers and their families - connected together to make that possible!
And I was equally amazed to hear how much money you managed to raise for the Good Shepherd Appeal too - £1,737 is INCREDIBLE!!
I am also delighted to hear about your faith garden, and how you have all been exploring mindfulness during Lent. We all need to find times of peace and calm in our busy lives, and I am sure your faith garden will become a much-loved 'happy place'. And the best bit is that it will look very different at different times of year!
Well done also on your Easter cards and prayer cards, and well done to Year 5 for their performance of the Stations of the Cross. It sounds as if the whole school has been spending time looking after the needs of other people... And that reminds me of Jesus himself! What a loving community you are!
May God bless you all, and your families,
Sponsored run to Lourdes
Thank you to all who supported our Lenten journey at St Alban’s. We are delighted to share with you that we raised £1510 from our sponsored run to Lourdes and £227 from the Easter Egg Raffle totaling our Good Shepherd Appeal contribution to a grand total of £1737.
God Bless,
Mini Vinnies
Faith Garden
We have been working hard throughout Lent to create our Faith Garden for all the children at St Alban's to use for reflection and prayer outdoors! The money raised from our previous sponsored run is being used and our hard work and dedication has resulted in some great results so far, keep up to date with our progress here!
St Vincent Community Shop Clothing Collection
The Mini Vinnies did an excellent job of organising the event and sorting and packing up the clothes ready for donation to the St Vincent Community Shop.
Thank you very much to everyone that donated clothes to our collection, we received hundreds of items that will go a long way to helping those people in need. Your generosity really does make a huge difference!
St Vincent Community Shop Clothing Collection
Mini Vinnie’s main aim is to make a difference in our community, as the weather gets colder we have got together to see what we can do to help those people in need. Therefore we are organising a clothing collection for the St Vincent’s Community Shop to help those people that really need it.
St Vicent’s Community Shops sell affordable clothes and offer a listening ear to individuals and families in need. All the money raised from their sales go back into the community to support vulnerable people including the homeless.
Please could you gather any unwanted clothing this half term and bring it to school on the 5th November so that we can donate this to the St Vincent’s Community Shop.
God Bless,
Mini Vinnies
Welcome to our new Minnie Vinnies for 2021-22, our group is led by two of our previous members from Kirkstall class and our new members cannot wait to get started with our mission!Race to Paris Fundraising Event
Wow, what an incredible day!
The Mini Vinnie’s did an outstanding job of organising a sponsored run to raise money for their Faith Garden. The children had a fantastic day and, combined, we ran over 356 miles - the distance from Doncaster to Paris!
There were big smiles, cheering and supporting from everyone at St Alban’s as the children enjoyed our new active mile track.
Race to Paris Fundraising Event
We are organising a sponsored run that will take place on the Monday 12th July to raise money for our Faith Garden. The children will run the distance from Doncaster to Paris, as this is where St Vincent de Paul is from. We look forward to receiving your donations and having a fun filled fundraising day!
All children have taken home a sponsor form to be returned with their collected money by Thursday 15th July at the latest. Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the school and our community.
God Bless,
Mini Vinnies
Welcome to our new Minnie Vinnies from Year 4 Fountains class. They are very much looking forward to rolling out all of their amazing ideas. Watch this space...